To me, every woman is unique, and that is the beauty of it. There is no reason to be apologetic about being a woman. Restricting cultural boundaries on how a woman is expected to be is a stupid thought. Women’s Day 2022 is to celebrate the future of mankind, in my opinion.

A strong-willed, articulate, and opinionated woman is an essential and a valuable member of any society. Going over social pittances, a woman of substance supports another woman. Any society will be richer by having them. I understand this better because I have a daughter and a father daughter relationship makes one introspect, at least for me,

As a woman, it can be quite discomforting to adjust to outdated gender norms, and adhering to ridiculous standards can be quite a challenge. Evolution is in the present, and there is no better time to be a woman. Woman have been taunted, teased, and harassed, for doing nothing more than existing in this society as one. But being a woman is about love and strength.

The women I choose to surround myself with should always be there to back me up, to rely on whenever and for whatever with unwavering level of support. I feel so much comfort in this. For me, a woman means being able to be assertive, powerful, yet kind at the same time.

Times they are a changing, and as a man, I can proudly say ‘the future is female.’

So, a happy Women’s Day 2022 to all the beautiful women I know.