All children are godly, and having them is a great boon. But a father-daughter relationship is on a complete different plane.

Daughters are very special to fathers and it is a unique bond.

Today, I am going down a memory lane that I have never been on.

And, there is a very special reason for it.

My daughter, without a doubt, is the love of my life. I have been there whenever she needed me, but we have had our share of turmoils, fights, fun and games. Life is never even. We have to even out the odds. We have been there and done that.

For me, the father-daughter relationship is very special, because it tells me how my daughter has grown. A father is a daughter’s first action hero and a role model laying out the foundation of love, trust and security. I feel this bond will define my daughter’s future relationships with men.

Looking at my daughter’s self-esteem and confidence, I feel it results from my involvement in her life. Her ambitiousness and achievement-orientation makes me proud, however I am not sure that it comes from me, though I know it stems from our relationship.

When she was very young, I was used to calling her ‘princess’ and I was her superhero. We laughed together. I fed her, spoke to her when she cried, changed her diapers, played with her toys. I spent every free minute with her, took her everywhere, even to the dirty vegetable market. She could find solutions to general problems in life because of her observations besides learning how to buy vegetables :). This molded her into having much lower anxiety levels, that I see today.

We had some amazing birthday parties at home when I cooked for the children, played games with her mates, blown balloons together, celebrated Holi, Diwali and looked forward to occasions when we could have the most fun. The only detriment came when she was 2. She had to share me with her younger brother. She said nothing, but it took about a year for her to accept the fact that she was facing competition, and we never looked back since.

I keep telling her today to fly in any direction but with complete effort. She understands I am her rock and will not let her fall, come what may. No wonder her self-confidence rocks, and life and people do not inhibit her from anything, unless I tell her. It is important to say ‘NO’ too, for many things that adolescents do. I have done that without mincing words and looking back, she has understood the reasons. She has a value system which is much brighter than her peers.

My daughter walked out on me a few times, but I did not quit. Most of these walkouts happened in her teenage years. I just stepped back and let her find herself. That age comes with a lot of influences. I have let her do what she wanted, but also guided her on what can happen next. As she grew, she understood they were mere temptations and I, as a father, have taught her how not to yield to them.

As a father, I am not sure if I was a great help to her in choosing her career. She chose 4 career paths which interested her, I just asked to put them on paper to compare every factor. She analysed, discussed and chose, and I went along. I have only told her to put all her effort into pursuing it, and if she doesn’t, there is no point in that entire exercise.

Her emotional balance and perception of relationships are not clear yet. She has to grow a little more. Honestly, mine is not a thrilling marriage, and I have had more than my share of marital issues. I know it tells on children, one way or the other, but I guess I am lucky that my daughter is not aggressive, anxious or insecure, which most children from terrible marriages are.

She went to college last year and stays in the hostel. I miss her. But, the most amazing thing is that she calls me almost every day to talk to me. With all the temptations a first-year college student has, she calls me daily is something that I need to appreciate and take pride in. I guess our relationship has made her a balanced being, and I sincerely hope that she grows into a woman of substance.

We took a drive about 15 days before she went off to college and that was an eye-opener for both of us. We spoke about myriad things and for hours, onward and return. She had a lot of insights into life. I realised she has grown up before my very eyes to turn into an amazing girl. I trust her explicitly and she knows I will be her rock until I die.

I am writing this today because she surprised me with an amazing ‘Father’s Day’ cake which came from nowhere. I was exhilarated and my heart took me down this memory lane. I spoke to her, choked with happiness. She was happy and only we know that our hearts cried with happiness. Seems, it took her 3 days to find that cake with a boy and a girl on it. And, that she is piggy-backing on me says so much more!

father daughter relationship

She is still my little princess! She just came home from college 2 hours ago and this is what I had to do…

Not that I mind, I love feeding her, yet, I want her to grow up. A little muddleheaded I am, but I love myself for it ,and she does too!

You could say, I am spoiling her, but yes, if both father and daughter are happy doing it, and it does not affect life around us, why not? Expression in action is better than killing feelings, altogether, isn’t it?

Is it time I quit worrying about this elder child of mine? She is strong-willed, knows her way, and is mature enough to handle life and people. I am already proud of her!

I do hope this father daughter relationship goes a long way in the process of growing up to intertwine spiritually.